miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2008

Cum arata programul unui elev in Germania

Am aflat de pe blogul lui Alexandru cum arata programul lui de scoala.El este elev in Germania.
Am rugat-o pe mama sa imi citeasca pentru ca eu nu stiu engleza prea bine. Abia invat acum. :)

07:00 - I always wake up at this time.
07:05 - I always start washing.
07:20 - Sometimes I take a breakfast. I often eat sandwiches.
07:30 - I take my clothes and dress and sometimes I make my schoolbag.
7:40-I leave the house and I go to school.
07:45 - 08:00 - Preparing for the classes. Sometimes I play with my colleagues.
08:00 - 08:45 - I take the English class. Often we learn new vocabulary and listen nice songs.
08:45 - 08:50 - The first break. Often I start to prepare the next class. Sometimes I play with my colleagues too.
08:50 - 09:35 - I learn Music. The class is nice. We always learn songs. Sometimes, our teacher tell us information about important composers, their songs and their life.
09:35 - 10:05 - The first big break. I always eat my brunch and after that I always go outside where we play basketball or football.
10:05-10:50 - The Biology class. In the previous week, we learnt about the breath. For me this class is not always easy (since I'm beginner with German)
10:50 - 10:55 - The second break. The time is too short such that I never go outside.
10:55 - 11:40 - The Math lesson comes. Often we learn about numbers and arithmetic.
11:40 - 12:30 - THE BIGGEST BREAK. I always go outside and I often play basketball or football.
12:30 - 13:15 - The lesson on German Reading starts. We always read stories and discuss them.
13:15 - 13:20 - Another break. Noting important.
13:20 - 14:05 - I must perform on Arts. Often we paint on paper or we discuss painting techniques.
14:05 - I finish the school and I go home.

Am aflat multe lucruri care imi plac.De exemplu pauzele.Sunt mai mari.Asta imi place mult.ai timp sa te speli pe maini si poti sa mananci linistit. Nu pe graba cum fac eu.Daca te mai doare si burta ai incurcat-o :)). Ce faci mai intai? :)) Eu am patit asa ceva :))

Iata si programul meu de scoala :)

La ora 8:00 incep scoala si termin la ora 11:15 minute.4 materii intr-o zi. Pauzele mele tin 5 minute.

Voi ce ziceti? Cum este mai bine?

UPDATE:Am pus si sondaj.:)

9 comentarii:

Carmen spunea...

in mod clar sunt prea scurte pauzele de 5 minute; eu aveam pauzele de 10 minute si pauza mare de 20; asa mi se pare normal sa fie

iulia toma spunea...

Era mai bine:)

iulia toma spunea...

CUMMM??? Aveti si cantina ???
Aaa . Ce tare !!! Vreau si eu :((

iulia toma spunea...

E buna mancarea? Cum este?

iulia toma spunea...

Aaaaaaaaa nu imi vine sa cred!!!!

iulia toma spunea...

Si mai primesti si alocatie???

Anonim spunea...

iulia as vrea sa fie asa si la noi.dar nu este

Benny spunea...

Klumea asa program!:)

Anonim spunea...

Ce-mi place mie sunt cuvintele "always"... Nemtii astia, inca de mici se invata precisi! ;-)

(Sa nu uit, imi place mult blog-ul vostru. Felicitari!)